Is God a Mystery?

God is LOVE



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Reply to my sisters Mona and Dalia

Brothers salam!

It was said beloew: why do acts of obedience mistery?

God is mistery for people who DON’T WANT to KNOW Him. But God is known and SHOULD be known by people chosen for salvation!
If you want to be among these chosen people then make a step of FAITH:
1. repent of your sins
2. commit your life to Issa Allah and live in FAITH with Him.

What does this mean?

What is bread breaking? Is it mystery? NO.

It is symbol  to live with God and it reminds us of

WHO is this God. But who is HE?

We remember how Jesus (Issa Al Massih) gathered with His friends, for a final meal on the night before He died. He broke the bread and passed the cup and proclaimed it an everlasting sign of His friendship and love.

BROKEN BREAD is His body suffered, beaten and killed in our place FOR ALL our sins.

Red wine is symbol of BLOOD shed on the cross instead of our DEATH in hell for our sins. This BLOOD is symbol of OUR Salvation and HIS LOVE. His blood was poured out LIKE RIVER of water to cleanse us like during WUZU to enter into the PRESENCE of God….to enter there without ANY sin…like holy beings.

Sign of Oneness:

On a hillside in Galilee,

Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it,

and gave it to his followers.

We in like manner, break this

as a sign of our oneness, as a sign of our desire to share in God’s heavenly banquet.

Eternal Life:

The bread that sustains our life is Christ

He is the food that assures our salvation.

Jesus said:

“I myself am the living bread come down from heaven.

If anyone eats of this bread of mine, they shall live forever.”

In the eating of this blessed bread  broken for all, old and young,

Rich and poor, there is eternal life. It means if you want to share His Kingdom then ACCEPT Him as GOD who is SOURCE of LIFE.

Welcome Arabs  to His table in His Kingdom of Heaven!

Broken Bread:

Bread broken: one loaf but many pieces, a meal for us.

Bread broken: divided that we might share it,

wholeness destroyed that we might be joined together.

Bread broken: a sign of Christ’s body,

broken for us (He wad killed) that we might live.

Body of Christ was broken on the cross. He was killed in our place and accepted sins of the world to His holy Body to forgive us and justify us in front of His God Father.

Blessed and Broken People:

May we become as this blessed bread, a blessed people,

blessed and broken in the love and care of one another.

We who eat of the same bread, even though varied and different

like its many grains of wheat, are one in the body of Christ-called church or fellowship of believers in God.

Life and Spirit:

The early Christians recognized

The life and spirit of Jesus

In the breaking of the bread.

In the tradition of their faith

And in imitation of their love,

We break this blessed bread,

Recalling that at the Last Supper,

Jesus gave His body and blood to Arabs

As a sign of forgiveness of their sins TROUGH His sufferings and DEATH on the cross for them.

We Thank You Most Holy God:

We thank  You, most holy God,

for the gifts of life and love and laughter,

for time to grow and strength to do.

We thank You for all the good things of this earth,

and for the chance to know and love You, through Jesus.

We remember Jesus – our God, friend and brother.

We remember how He loved us to the end.

We remember how on the night before He died,

He called His friends together for a final meal.

As He did then, so He does now.

He opens His heart, to them and us.

He gives Himself totally, for them and us,

in Word and sacrament,

through suffering and death,

and by rising from the dead,

to live with this ONE, great God of all.

Pour out Your Spirit upon us, God,

Your rescuing, reclaiming, renewing Spirit,

joining us together in Your community of love. Hand touching hand.

Heart linked to heart. Let’s us, Arabs, BE Your Temple where You will live in our hearts!

Each person connected with each person,

in generous service to one another,

the very bonding of Christ’s love.

Keep all who share in the bond of Christ,

united in truth and love.

Make of us a community of life-giving power,

a sign to all people

of Your compassionate care.

Breaking Bread Together:

We Christians accept this bread as a symbol of our fidelity to God as He offered Himself to each one of us.  We are keep reminding us that to break bread together is to share

in each other’s blessings and is to say yes to each other’s fate.

We offer toGgod our thanks in this bread. We thank Him for His love, for the love of our families.

We are living by Jesus who offers Himself to us in total fidelity and love, with

Jesus, in thanksgiving for our personhood, and in Jesus who has blessed

us with all of creation.

On This Day:

On this day of the Savior, all creation is renewed in His friendship.

We break bread and bless this wine as a sign of our oneness, and as a

sign of our desire to be imitators of  His love which has made us members

of one community called the body of Jesus- CHURCH or fellowship of Christians all over the world.

I Am the Bread of Life:

Christ has said to us:

I am the bread of life.

You who come to Me shall not hunger.

You who believe in Me shall not thirst.

No one can come to me, unless I, Yahweh, draw them.

The bread that I give is My flesh.

You who eat this bread shall live forever.

Unless you eat this bread and drink this blood,

you shall not have life in you.

I am the resurrection, I am the life.

You who believe in me shall live forever.

Yes, I believe that You are the God I am seeking.

Yes, I believe that You are the God of my dreams.

Yes, I believe that You are my God, and that You

will raise me up on the last day.

Jesus, please raise up Arabs who are reading this message and Mona with sister Dalia. Amen.

Blessed Be You:

Blessed be You, our God, Father –Holy One, for from the

beginning, You create all things and by Your power, keep all things in being.

Wonderful are You, O God, mighty in word and deed, marvelous in tender

concern, for Your love is so deep, so rich, so full, that though we stumble,

You bend to pick us up. And, when we have lost our way, You do not

abandon us. But again and again, You call and search and carry us back to

You. Praised be You, O God, abiding Mercy, Living One, fulfillment of our

greatest hopes, and deepest dreams.

We thank You, great and gracious God, for the wonder of Your world.

For the gifts of time and energy, for family support and the encouragement

of friends. We thank you, holy and Living God for insight and courage, for

hope and new beginnings, for strength to carry on when life is hard. We

thank You, tender and merciful God for forgiving our sins, for sharing Your

vision with us, for asking us to partner You in Your enterprise of Love. We

thank You, beloved and faithful God, for the gift of Jesus, your Anointed

One. Jesus, who shows us who You are- OUR GOD FATHER-and who we are and what You want us to be about. Marvelous is the work You did in Jesus. Marvelous is the work You do in us. Marvelous is the work You call us to do. We remember the gift that Jesus gave us- the FAITH in HIM and SALVATION free of charge!  We remember how He gathered with

His friends, for a final meal on the night before He died. He broke the bread

and passed the cup and proclaimed it an everlasting sign of His friendship

and love.

As He did then, so we do now, in bread broken and, in love given to one

another. This is the everlasting sign of abiding mercy of God and friendship, the Source of our life in such PERFECT God, and the Way to GOD through the life and death and rising of God Jesus. Brothers Arabs, may Jesus make us worthy of God, honoring Him and

giving Him glory. God, bring all of us at last, into the light of Your LOVE and friendship! Bring us gift –FITH in You and SALVATION  you have promised. Amen.

You are holy, God of life and blessing, and from You flows the

light of Christ which surrounds us, the love which enfolds us,

the power which protects us, and the presence which watches

over us. We rejoice and are glad to share in Your reign. No longer

do we fear the terror of the night, nor the arrows of hatred

and rejection that fly by day, for in You we have discovered

safety as Your beloved daughters and sons.

Loving God father, may this meal we share in Jesus’ name bring

us all to shine like the sun, so that this world might grow in

justice and peace. In that new world where the fullness of

Your peace will be revealed, gather people of every race,

language, and way of life to share in the one eternal

banquet with Jesus, our God- Issa Allah.

Lord Jesus may You provoke such a longing for truth in Arabs, Dalia and Mona and in all people who are reading this message that they will never be satisfied until they experience Your justice and Your peace.

Let them share this bread and wine as Jesus taught us like a symbol that they WILL share Your FUTURE and eternal life with You in Your Kingdom knowing that our lives are forever changed by this and every breaking of

bread….This bread for us, spiritual beings,  is YOUR WORD –ISSA Al Massih as even Qur’an states it!  Amen.


Jesus said to us:

“Here I stand knocking at the door,

if anyone hears my voice and opens the door,

I will come in and sit down to supper with him

And he with me.”

Let us share this meal with hearts unlocked,

Remembering the words of Jesus:

“I shall indeed be with you soon.”

And let us answer, “Amen, come, Lord Jesus!”

    Will God forgive all my sins?
    WHAT is Salvation?
    How can I be saved?
    Will God adopt me? Does He really love me BEFORE the creation of the world?

Arabs, Muslims, pray this prayer below and BE SAVED of ALL your sins:

Now it is your time to be saved by perfect God!


I said that I am sinner. That I love Arabs. And I am ready to refure eternal life that only they will be saved. I was talking about Gamal, Nancy, Mona and Dalia. I am sinner but I am forgiven by grace and mercy of God. So, already now I have eternal life and Kingdom of Heaven. But this pain is very terrible if my brothers will die without God! It was voice of my heart what you quoted. I have salvation. My name is wrtitten in the Book of life. God is called me His inheritance and daughter. I will be eternally with Him. But I need desperatelly you to join HIM!!

I found personal relationships with God! You can find it too! He is not our Master any more, He is our Father!  I urge you now to find such great and LOVING Father!  Do you have today absolute assurance that if you will die today you will go to Heaven? Where you stand in your relationships with God? If you are not one of those people then I urge you to get right with God! And I will close my message by prayer and I will give you opportunity to commit yourself to Jesus Christ who is God. So, you can know that you will go to Heaven when you will die. Father, speak to every person listening to my words in this message. Help everyone of us to be right with You, knowing that we are ready to meet You in your Kingdom. Jesus said that we should be born again or more literal rendering of that statement is “you need to be born from ABOVE”. We are not automatically born again Christians!  How is one born from above?  How do spiritual rebirth take place? If someone says I have been converted to receive Christ what does it mean? It means there is a moment in their life when they made a personal commitment to the Lord and have responded to the OFFER of Eternal life. Would you like to do it? I ‘d like to lead you in a prayer. And as you pray this prayer from the bottom part of your heart you too can be born from above! You can be certain that if you are converted your sin is forgiven. If you would like to make this commitment, pray this prayer wherever you are!

Pray this prayer now: Jesus forgive me of my sin. I know that I have sinned against You but I thank You for dying on the cross for me and rising again from the dead. Now be my personal Lord and Savior and write my name in the Book of the life! Forgive me all my sins and cleanse my hands from the blood of my sins. And help me to follow You from this day forward! Thank You that You came into my life and You saidthaI am child of God now.

If you have just prayed this prayer Jesus Christ came into your life and God tells us in Bible that if we will believe in His name, we will know that we have eternal life. And if you have taken this step of prayer to believe in Him you can know that God has indeed forgiven you. Let me personally assure you that you have made the right decision. The decision to follow God Jesus Christ!

Read what i published on my site.
To be “born again” for new life with God or “born from above” you need: believe in Jesus
2. sincerely repent in all your sins
3. Live with God and not against Him.

Lord Jesus please save my brother Haitam and all who are readyng this emssage and write their names in the Book of the life. Be their God. Their Salvation. Their Freedom. Their Future. Their LOVE!
Jesus protect them and lead them to Your and their Kingdom..Kingdom of Heaven. Adopt them  and bless them by the power of the Holy Spirit to be sons of GOD!

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